Why do the Knerds want to help me?

Category: Why
  • Through our own experiences going solar, we found how difficult it can be to get accurate bids on solar and how much information companies ask for that you might not wish to give to just anyone. They can also do a poor job asking some critical questions upfront on your energy usage – increasing the likelihood you will get too little energy production or pay above market price for a solar system.
  • When we were shopping solar we got bids all over the map for systems that might serve our needs but were way too expensive for what you got.  From systems that used outdated tech, but still charged a premium – to underpowered solar systems that wouldn’t supply enough power and were still overpriced.
  • We can save you time.  We can save you effort.  We can save you money on a robust solar system that meets your needs at a fair price.  You need a Knerd.

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