How do the Knerds do it?
Commitment to you. We work for you and you alone. State-of-the-art software. We utilize excellent solar design software so we know what can and will work for you before it goes out to bid. Proprietary techniques. We utilize algorithms of our own design to better calculate estimates of your current and future energy needs. Data
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Why do I need a Knerd?
Going solar is a difficult process. There are different technologies and system types to consider. That can be hard for an uninitiated consumer to discern. Sales tactics used by solar installers can be tricky and understanding what your current energy needs are and what you will use in the future is very important. Having an
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How do the Knerds help me?
There are several steps to how we can help. We’ll lay it out here and in more detail on our Services page. We sit down with you in a virtual meeting (no pesky salesman with his foot in the door!) and discuss what you are looking for in a solar-powered grid-tied system. This initial consult
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What can the Knerds do for me?
We use a multi-step process and custom algorithms to help you determine an accurate prediction of your FUTURE electrical usage. We perform an assessment of your site using cutting-edge software before the bidders start bidding. Finally, we can acquire a number of bids for you from multiple vendors and keep your personal information protected until
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Why do the Knerds want to help me?
Through our own experiences going solar, we found how difficult it can be to get accurate bids on solar and how much information companies ask for that you might not wish to give to just anyone. They can also do a poor job asking some critical questions upfront on your energy usage – increasing the
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Who are these Knerds?
The Knerds are kind and kindred folk who have pulled themselves away from their computer screens and collectibles to help the less knowledgeable go solar. They have the skills and experience to help you select a quality solar installation, or to choose NOT to go solar if that is in your decision. We don’t sell
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